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March 5, 2023 Marathon Training


Updated: Mar 25, 2023

For the most part, I stuck with the run-walk method. However, I took advantage of the downhill portions and needed extra time on the uphill segments.. Therefore, it evened out for the duration of the run.

This is a hilly run. It takes some mental effort to keep working my way up from the low point of the Blackstone River up to Daniels Farm. The hills are very challenging.

For nutrition, I brought water with a Nuun hydration tablet, figs, dates and gels. The Gu gels did not sit well. SIS was fine. Chia seemed fine as well. My goal is to eat as natural as possible during the long runs.

For recovery, I needed to rest my legs, foam roll, and stretch. My hamstrings and glutes were especially sore. I think this was due to a light running load during the week, running up the hills. I have also been doing more bike work to build up cycling endurance and power. This run was not taxing enough to need sleep after the shower. I followed up the next day with an easy recovery run. Two miles was enough to loosen my legs up.

Looking forward to continuing the build to the marathon distance. I am planning to increase high intensity work as my training progresses.


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